Upcoming Events
- Fri, Oct 25Rocksprings
- Fri, Oct 27Rocksprings
- Fri, Oct 28Rocksprings
- Fri, Oct 22South Padre Island
- Fri, Oct 23Rocksprings, Texas
Unraveled Hearts
Jeremiah 17:9

Our story starts with the Book of Beginnings - Genesis! Our Bible journey has been transformational. Verse by Verse, Chapter by Chapter, Book by Book - that's how we do it! This journey through the Bible started about five years ago with no deadline, no agenda, just a deep hunger to know God, a tremendous thirst for Jesus, and a deep longing for His Spirit. Our brokenness unites us at the foot of the cross.
Like a skillful surgeon, God uses His Word as a scalpel, and does the intricate work of Unraveling Our Hearts.
Jesus makes all things NEW! He transforms and gives us a new hearts!
Together women from all over begin the process of getting to know the Lord through His Word here! We go under the knife not for vanity but rather to become all He created us to be! Our heart surgery - this great unraveling - happens as we trek through the Word of God- one verse at a time, one chapter at a time, one book at a time; However long that takes.
Unraveled Hearts has no walls, no buildings, no territories, no limitations. New Testament style is how we roll! Meeting from home to home, learning, and sharing together. We meet once a week - Every Tuesday - to study God’s Word and pray one for another. During this special time in studying the Bible together we go LIVE on Social Media to include as many women as possible. The women that attend may or may not go to church, may or may not know Jesus, Yet ALL ARE WELCOME!
On any given Tuesday several churches are represented, several ages are represented from 17 to 77, women from all walks of life!
Oh what a journey it has been and will continue to be! So transformative, so healing, so uplifting! Our hearts and minds are being renewed!
It truly is a Journey of Change - and the Journey is the Destination!
Come gather around the Word with us!
Come to the Table!
You are Invited!

Come Away With Us

Frio River
Leakey, TX

Guadalupe River
New Braunfels, TX
South Padre Island, TX
Nueces River
Rocksprings, TX
South Padre Island, TX
Our Next Adventure...